StandUpKids ( provides education on the health risks associated with sedentary lifestyles and resources on why standing desks create an environment where children can become healthier and more active.

The average U.S. student is sitting an average of 4.5 hours/day at school and (for kids ages 8-18) an additional 7 plus hours/day in front of a screen, regardless of socioeconomic status. Combine that with time spent doing homework, sitting at the dinner table, and driving to and from school, and our kids are spending nearly 85% of their waking hours in sedentary positions.

The Get America Standing campaign is a firm supporter of another non-profit action group We both believe children’s sedentary behavior is a public health ticking time bomb and we must curtail the sitting habit early in life by making it easier for all our kids to move more and sit less.

Sit-stand (or standing) desks offer a simple and logical way to create a movement rich environment where children are more engaged and perform better academically, burn more calories, eliminate or minimize orthopaedic problems and disease but most importantly feel happier! Simple right?

Calling all adults – make a decisive effort to support all of our futures with Stand Up Kids (