Can Oregano Oil Really Help You Lose Weight? We Did The Research

Slimming Secrets Unveiled: The Truth About Oregano Oil and Weight Loss

Wild oregano leaves are used to produce the natural ingredient known as the oil of oregano. According to reports, no chemicals or additions are used in the production of oil oregano as it grows naturally. According to herbalists, the oil of oregano may help alleviate a number of illnesses and promote weight reduction.

Can Oregano Oil Really Help You Lose Weight? We Did The Research

It possesses antibacterial and germicidal capabilities, according to some small surveys. No data from science supports the link between the oil of oregano and weight loss, but it is said to improve gut health and speed up metabolism, both of which contribute to weight loss.

Oregano Oil: What is it?

Oregano, sometimes referred to as Origanum vulgare in botany, is a blooming herb that belongs to the same botanical genus as peppermint. It is frequently employed as a herb to season dishes.

It originated in Europe, but it is currently seen growing everywhere.

Since ancient Greek and Roman cultures employed it for medical reasons, it has become widely used. The Greek terms “oros,” which means mountaintop, and “ganos,” which means pleasure or happiness, really prompted the designation of oregano.

The plant has long been used as a seasoning in cooking.

The plant’s stems and leaves are dried by air to produce essential oil. The oil is removed and condensed by a distillation process after they have dried.

It is possible to directly use oregano essential oil after combining it with essential oils. However, oral consumption is not advised.

On the reverse, various extraction techniques may be used to create the concentrate variant, including those that use alcohol or co2. It is frequently obtained in tablet or pill versions and is easily accessible as a supplement.

Terpenes, phenols, and terpenoids are substances found in it.

These are the source of its scent and possess potent oxidant characteristics:

  • Carvacrol: Research has demonstrated that the most prevalent phenol in oregano may halt the development of numerous bacterial species.
  • Thymol: The immunity and poisons can both be protected by this organic antifungal.
  • Rosmarinic acid: This potent antioxidant aids in defending against harm brought on by radicals.

The numerous health advantages of oregano are considered to be caused by these substances.

Benefits of Oregano Oil

There are several possible health advantages of using oregano oil, according to studies:

Antimicrobial Qualities

Oregano oil has solid antibacterial capabilities that have been demonstrated in several investigations, even against microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics.

It was shown to be the most effective in preventing bacterial development in research examining the antimicrobial properties of various essential oils.

Topical variant has demonstrated effectiveness in wound care and recovery due to its capacity to guard against pathogenic bacteria, including eliminating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Actions that reduce inflammation

It not only has potent antibacterial properties, it additionally possesses anti-inflammatory properties. According to one research, oregano essential oil dramatically reduced the levels of many cutaneous indicators associated with inflammation.

A reduction in acne

It may lessen lesions associated with breakouts as a result of its combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It could serve as a secure and efficient option when applied consistently to oral antibiotics to combat the symptoms of acne because they have a variety of possible adverse effects.

Controlling Cholesterol

The cholesterol-supporting properties of it have been discovered. Among the primary reasons for the blocked vessels that really can result in cardiovascular disease is LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol, which was shown to be much lower in a trial of 49 individuals who took a modest quantity of oregano oil after every meal.

Internal Health

Along with other gastrointestinal issues, oil oregano is frequently prescribed for stomach pains, bloating, and diarrhea. Although additional study is needed, specialists have discovered that oregano contains a lot of carvacrol. This has a reputation for working well against some germs that upset the stomach.

May promote intestinal health

The chance of having a digestive problem may be decreased by oregano. The gut’s internal walls are destroyed, resulting in this disorder. You risk having bacteria and poisons enter your bloodstream as a result.

Oregano essential oil was reported to assist in protecting the intestinal walls of piglets in the 2015 report. Moreover, the amount of E. coli germs in their stomachs decreased. Yet, we really need to study people more. Always remember not to consume any essential oils.

Could aid in battling yeast issues

We frequently come into contact with the fungus Candida. Yet, an abundance can result in fungal infection, even though it is mostly benign. According to 2011 research, essential oregano oil may combat 16 distinct Candida infections.

In a 2007 test-tube investigation, it was discovered that oregano essential oil successfully combated five significant strains of Candida. Carvacrol was revealed to have excellent anti-Candida properties in the second test-tube research.

Has cancer-preventing qualities

Among the various components of oregano, an oil called carvacrol has been linked in a number of research to potential anti-cancer effects.

Carvacrol has shown promise against heart, hepatic, and pulmonary cancer cells in experiments in test – tubes.

It’s been demonstrated that it stops the proliferation of cells and kills cancer cells.

Although the data is encouraging, more than human study has been done, necessitating additional analysis.

Aid in weight loss

Oregano oil may help with weight loss since it contains carvacrol found in it.

In one experiment, mice were given one of three diets: a standard meal with fat supplemented with carvacrol. The weight increase and body fat percentage of individuals who received carvacrol in addition to their high-fat diet were much lower than those who had just received it.

Carvacrol also stops the series of actions that can result in the creation of fat cells.

It may be worth attempting as a component of a balanced diet and way of living, but further study is required to prove its involvement in weight loss.

Oregano Oil Side Effects

Given the strength of the chemicals in it, you must speak to your primary care physician before using it or a different dietary supplement. When applying it physically or orally, take into account the following:

Toxic effects

It has a strong antibacterial effect but may also be hazardous to people. It may potentially be fatal if consumed in big amounts. To reap the advantages of it, use the prescribed dosage. It requires additional research to determine how hazardous it is to people.

Skin Bruising

While beneficial for some skin conditions, including acne, it may affect delicate skin. Avoid touching your skin immediately with it that has not been neutralized. To guarantee there won’t be any negative effects, patch test all items that include it.

Obstetrical Problems

There is conflicting evidence on the consequences of oregano oil on women who are pregnant or nursing. It is preferable to find a substitute if you are pregnant or nursing a child.

Interfering medications

If you currently use a medication, stay away from it since it may exacerbate negative effects. It has inherent diuretic characteristics, which means it could make lithium and comparable drugs less effective.

Is Oregano Oil Beneficial for Losing Weight?

Infections have traditionally been treated with it. It’s carvacrol appears to halt the development of conditions that might lead to the formation of fat tissue. You could lose weight by using it with a balanced, wholesome diet. Research shows that oregano oil improves intestinal function and lessens digestive problems.

As an equilibrium in your intestinal bacteria might impact your weight, intestinal wellness is crucial for weight loss. It helps you lose weight by lowering LDL cholesterol concentrations thanks to its carvacrol and thymol content. Your gastrointestinal system will function better, and your metabolism will increase thanks to oregano oil.

Weight reduction might result from having a high metabolism, which aids in eliminating more calories. It’s ability to aid in weight loss needs to be better supported by research, although its ingredients include appetite-suppressing qualities.

Is Oregano Oil Beneficial for Losing Weight

How to Prepare Oregano Oil for Weight loss?

About every supermarket or organic food shop sells oil oregano. It’s also popular to prepare it at home using olive oil, another of your choosing, and herbs.

These procedures should be followed in order to make your own oregano oil at home:

  • The leaves should be washed and chopped.
  • Please put it in a transparent container, add the hot oil, and combine everything.
  • Stir the container occasionally and store it in a cold, dark area for up to two weeks.
  • Following two weeks, filter the oil and throw away the herbs.

Just use the oil that has now been soaked as needed after sealing and chilling it.

How to use oregano oil for weight loss?

The tablet and pill forms of oregano oil extract are commonly accessible. It may be purchased online or at the majority of health food stores.

Reading the usage recommendations on each pack is crucial since oregano supplements can range in potency.

Another option is essential oregano oil, which may be administered externally after being reduced with essential oils. The consumption of essential oils also needs to be advised.

Oregano essential oil doesn’t have a set recommended dosage. But, it’s frequently administered topically in a mixture of 1 tsp (5 milliliters) olive oil and one drop of the oil.

You should know that essential oregano oil shouldn’t be taken internally, just like other oils.

Talk to your physician before incorporating it’s extracts into your routine if you’re keen on doing so, but you’re also on prescribed medication.

Moreover, oregano oil extracts are typically not advised for use by expectant or nursing women.


A tasty herb with some really amazing health advantages is oregano. According to research, it may contribute to weight loss, decrease the inflammatory response, lower cholesterol, combat fungal infections, support gut bacteria, soothe discomfort, and prevent cancer. Nevertheless, further study is still required to demonstrate all of these benefits.

The majority of grocery stores and internet retailers carry oregano supplements. Be certain to stick with high-quality items that aren’t loaded with dangerous or other additives.

Remember to consult your doctor before beginning a regimen that includes oregano supplements.


How much oregano oil can you take internally?

While preparing juice or water, add a few drops of oregano oil. Nonetheless, utilize oregano rather than essential oil because the latter cannot be used orally.

Can oregano oil help you lose weight?

Carvacrol is a substance found in plants. Your metabolism is accelerated by this ingredient, which may aid in weight loss. As a result, oregano oil can aid in weight loss.

Is oregano oil a detoxifier for the body?

Strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and polyphenols effects are present in oregano oil. Thus, the oil may assist with eliminating microbes from the stomach and reduce the severity of several persistent gut disorders. You can successfully reduce weight when your digestive health is better.

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