EFT Tapping: A Simple Yet Effective Therapy for Weight Loss

Are you having trouble shedding pounds? Is it possible to be fed up with diets, fluctuating weight, and negative self-image? You long for a miracle drug that would instantly melt the fat! Nevertheless, you have yet to discover it.
Just about all individuals believe that low-fat meals, calorie restriction, and aggressive workout regimens are adequate ways to reduce weight. The issue is that many of these techniques only have short-term effects; as soon as we quit or reach a standstill, we see ourselves putting the weight back on.
What if the undiscovered fundamental cause of weight growth could be resolved, allowing the weight to drop off organically?
Our feelings of tension and constricting ideas are the unidentified cause.
You’ll discover that the weight drops off without complicated and demanding exercise regimens after you can lower mental tension and overcome obstacles to achievement.
Emotional Freedom Techniques are our philosophy to address the underlying source of weight gain and facilitate weight loss (EFT).
This therapy technique, also known as EFT Tapping, is grounded in feelings, attitudes, and experiences linked to appetites and weight gain. It helps you identify and address the underlying causes of these issues.
Understand hunger pangs and weight loss in this post. You’ll also discover how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping to stop your cravings while losing weight.
EFT And Tapping – What Are They?
In order to address the signs of several bodily and cognitive health disorders, emotional freedom treatment (EFT) is applied.
EFT concentrates on acupressure locations known as “tapping points,” in addition to aspects of sensitization treatment and mental and behavioral treatment. EFT is seen as an unconventional clinical practice since the scientific profession does not generally accept it.
EFT can be a successful therapy for post-traumatic distress, depression, alcoholism, and other disorders, according to an early study.
Losing weight is among EFT’s other alleged advantages. Based on the evidence, EFT may be an effective weight-loss technique for certain individuals.

The EFT tapping technique can treat stress, tension, Trauma, and sadness. It uses tapping to regulate energies and lessen mental and physiological suffering in various physical areas, particularly the face, and neck.
You concentrate on the problem you want to solve whilst tapping in a particular order. It’s utilized as an option to acupuncture and may benefit those who struggle with stress, persistent discomfort, weight loss challenges, or other conditions.
Researchers studying acupressure in the late 1970s noticed that acupuncture sites could be stimulated without resorting to pins, leading to the development of EFT tapping. Although it was first employed to treat extreme discomfort, it has also gained popularity for treating mental distress.
Breathing exercises and tapping on certain acupuncture spots might assist you in eliminating challenging or undesired emotions once you’re distressed. Saying positive mantras, as well as other comments that rid the mind of pessimism, are also part of it.
Channels are the pathways in the brain by which our human soul circulates, as per traditional Chinese treatment. Venous spots are precise spots depending on all these channels, and EFT is founded on tapping on such spots with our fingertips.
Background of EFT
EFT is sometimes compared to alternative therapies, a technique used in ancient Chinese healing. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s meridian network, or etheric channels (chi), by inserting pins into the body.
Dr. Roger Callahan, a neuropsychologist, found in the early 1990s that relieving emotional pain could be accomplished by merely tapping one’s knuckles on the body’s power spots. He created the tapping technique known as Thought Field Therapy, or TFT, which used several tapping motions on the body to treat mental and bodily issues.
Dr. Callahan’s ground-breaking research led Gary Craig, a fitness trainer, to find that a single basic tapping technique had the same remarkable effects. He then created EFT, a condensed form of TFT. The Tapping Solution, a factual movie, recently brought the potent method into the public eye.

How Does EFT Tapping Work?

Supporters of EFT contend that interference with your body’s standard energy transfer is the primary reason for several unpleasant feelings, including extreme discomfort. You can regulate this flow by tapping 9 different meridian spots on your body.
This notion states that dark feelings, undesired habits, and uncomfortable sensations disappear after your thermodynamic efficiency is re-established.
The concept of harmonizing energy for recovery is accepted by other traditions as well. Pressure points are used by both reflexology and acupuncture to assist free flow. To these traditional healing techniques, EFT tapping adds contemporary elements to the psychology therapy arsenal.
Some researchers have found a connection between tapping as a stress-reduction method. Anxiety factors were examined immediately prior to and following 1 hour of public treatments utilizing EFT (tapping), psycho-education, and no therapy in the research reported in the American Psychiatric Society in 2020.
In regards to stress, sadness, and total symptom intensity, the tapping cohort demonstrated numerically substantial benefits. In addition, this group’s cortisol was much lower than the baseline and psychosocial intervention groups’ cortisol. Scientists concluded that tapping could temporarily lessen tension.
While there is evidence that tapping can alleviate symptoms, it is uncertain how these claims translate to weight loss. One research was cited as the initial to employ neuroimaging to discover a connection between tapping and hunger desires. The research wasn’t released officially and was conducted at Bond School in Queensland.
Can EFT Tapping Really Help People Lose Weight?

EFT tapping may be effective for weight loss since it helps reduce anxiety and stop individuals from overeating emotionally. In managing your weight, regulating your tension could be the secret. Anxiety produces substances that render weight loss difficult and increased appetite simple.
It is thought that tapping on shiatsu sites will cause your amygdala, which controls worry and stress, to become active. Cortisol, a distress hormone, might be reduced as a result of this. As levels of cortisol can be controlled by EFT tapping, this could aid you in shedding pounds, as cortisol has been linked to compulsive snacking and weight gain.
You could experience tension, anxiety, and depression as a result of weight loss.
You could then overeat or practice food cravings as a result, which would result in weight gain. Your amygdala releases cortisol and insulin in response to messages from your head while you’re under distress.
This causes your arteries to dilate, which decreases the rate of your digestive process, makes it more challenging to lose weight, and causes other biochemical modifications that impact how strongly you feel hungry and how fast your mind processes events.
Due to these 2 factors working together, anxiety causes you to create bad food choices and interrupt your workout and eating routines. It might be challenging to disrupt the cycle’s viscosity.
Our need for enjoyment causes us to binge. We feel lovely after consuming fatty, sugary foods—until we don’t. The cycle repeats itself after the first glucose high wears off because your adrenaline is depleted, and you get weary. This makes you crave more glucose.
EFT tapping enables you to take a break to regulate your anxiety and consider whether consuming the full packet of Doritos is the right reaction to a tense environment. It helps you to deal with your feelings and let go of a destructive perspective that might result in poor decisions and much more severe weight gain.
How Does EFT Tapping Help With Cravings?
Focusing on binge eating entails more than deliberately ignoring your beloved dishes, just as losing weight entails more than only cutting out certain foods or working out until you are completely exhausted. In order to cope with your feelings effectively, it’s also essential that you cope with them.
Depression constitutes one of the primary triggers of appetites that result in weight gain. They include things like anxiety, fuzziness, and worry. These feelings cause what is known as an amygdala, in which the amygdala, the area of the brain responsible for controlling fear and dread, fires off simultaneously. Moreover, this causes the prefrontal lobe’s circulatory system to decline, which impairs mental function.
The craving area is situated in the amygdala. Hence, the amygdala fires whenever you see a chocolate bar you’re interested in. Obese persons have a higher level of this, according to research. It is pointless to deprive oneself of a particular meal.
Instead of emphasizing “exercise and dieting,” EFT Tapping concentrates on the inner core in order to lose weight. It has increased psychological undertones. The amygdala is stimulated by EFT. It increases circulation to the dorsolateral prefrontal and lowers cortisol. You will feel happier, have clearer thinking, and be able to choose nutritious foods as a result.
It’s been demonstrated that EFT Tapping is still helpful even if the patient stops participating in the treatment.
Are There Any Potential Warnings Or Side Effects Of EFT Tapping?
Acupuncture and EFT tapping have no known hazards or detrimental consequences. For practically everyone to attempt, it is safe.
The act of tapping could turn into a habitual activity if you suffer from OCD.
Before trying CHT or exposure treatment yourself, you must try them under a licensed psychologist’s supervision and watchful eye if you suffer from PTSD, depression, or any other type of mental illness.

How Can EFT Tapping Be Used to Lose Weight?
Choose A Calm Area And Enjoy Your Leisure
Concentrating on your EFT tapping practice in a peaceful environment free from outside interruptions is crucial, much like with another sort of meditation. Give it at least fifteen minutes to get the most out of your tapping meditation.
Don’t be frightened to feel the unfavorable feelings preventing you from moving forward since your objective is to focus on your senses. To eventually have the ability to let things go, you must understand them.
Pick a good Tapping Goal Up Claim
Write down everything that is making you anxious about your weight. Always be bold and precise. Your attention may be on your self-image or even on regular desires. For instance, “Although I feel guilty regarding my weight and the way I look, I encompass how I consider myself, and I’m okay,” or “Even though I’m ashamed, annoyed, and just want candy right now, I appreciate and celebrate myself” can serve as examples. Confidence and loyalty help to dispel unfavorable presumptions and viewpoints regarding others’ matters.
Do The “Flying Kick” First
Once you’ve made your set-up remark, start tapping by smacking the “flying kick” spot across your forearm and little fingernail on the outer parts of your palm. Repeat the sentence and your confirmation a minimum of 3 times while doing this. Your energy is oriented during this initial stage, ensuring that the remainder of the system operates without interruption.
Discover the Tapping Spots
There are specific shiatsu sites that EFT tapping uses. You may feel them on your hand’s outside border, the crown of your skull, between your eyebrows, beneath your eyelids, at your arches, above your lips, jaw, clavicle, and under your elbow.
Tap quite as many repetitions as you consider appropriate on each spot. While you tap the meridian spots, express your feelings and make mantras in your voice. Some things may elicit more significant reactions from you compared to others. Tapping should be done repeatedly for a minimum of fifteen minutes.
Weight Loss Using Meridian Points
Acupuncture spots and meridians are equivalent. Ancient Chinese treatment created a system of meridians related to various systems inside your strategy and are believed to flow throughout it. Some proponents of tapping suggest that in order to lose weight, you should tap the Twelve primary EFT meridians confidently.
The meridians associated with the digestive process may be the only thing some tap for shiatsu purposes concentrate on. Among these meridian points are:
- It is believed that ear points reduce hunger.
- It is believed that the thumb tip increases metabolic activity.
- It is believed that the inner elbow improves intestinal performance.

Should You Try It?
You’re welcome to play around with tapping on different body regions to assist with relaxation if you’re stressed. There is only a little study on tapping to help people lose weight. The absence of food or nourishment in this approach worries us the most. There are mental illnesses to losing weight; however, diet and nutrition also have a significant role.
While working with weight reduction procedures, healthier dietary training, comprehension of better food options, cleaner traditional recipes, and discussion of serving sizes are essential. The thought of only tapping to keep the weight down is absurd, not even considering food or nourishment.
What are the five tap steps?
The following five steps should be followed to employ EFT tapping:
- Determine the problem. The individual considers the issue they want to tackle at this stage.
- Check the starting level of severity.
- The setting
- The progression.
Some individuals might get relief from their sentimental dietary behaviors with EFT tapping. Also, it could be a helpful tool for reducing stress, which might aid in weight loss for specific individuals.
We need a great deal of research data to tell us how well EFT tapping succeeds or if it’s a safe way to lose weight.
It may support several more weight-loss strategies that have been tested and supported by research.
Applying your fingers to tap acupressure sites (also known as acupoints) on your arms, cheeks, and body while concentrating on a problem or emotion you want to get rid of is a psyche technique called EFT tapping. This technique could lead to greater efficiency, lower appetites, lessen stress and depression, and assist in overcoming anxieties.
There are nine main sites for tapping: Cb, Ch, Eb, Kc, Se, Toh, Ua, Ue, and Un.
EFT tapping is a simple, efficient, and readily available treatment for adults and kids. There aren’t any reported detrimental repercussions or side effects of EFT tapping. Despite the fact that EFT tapping is generally seen as harmless, many individuals may become sensitive during treatment.
While using EFT Tapping, focus on what works for you and your specific issue. The response to this query depends on what is required rather than how frequently it should be done. In a formal environment, we would advise six weekly treatments, with additional tapping as necessary in between.
5 phases comprise the tapping process, sometimes called a cycle, and takes approximately 2 minutes to finish. Healing from lower-impact problems may need 4 or 5 cycles; however, ten to twelve processes may be necessary for higher-intensity problems. Tapping repeatedly over time is the best way to deal with severe or persistent problems.
Some individuals might obtain relief from their sensitive dietary behaviors with EFT tapping. It could also be helpful as a stress reliever that can assist several individuals in losing weight. We have limited empirical data to tell us how well EFT tapping performs or whether it’s a safe way to lose weight.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), sometimes known as “tapping,” is a method that has been clinically demonstrated to be extremely helpful in addressing PTSD as well as C-PTSD. It may remove any “obstructions” in this flow that may be the reason for psychological tension and distress.